Nature Signs
Welcome to Shelley Signs. We are a leading supplier of external signs and panels with particular expertise in Nature Signs. For a chat about the options phone Robert Shelley on 01743 460996
Shelley Signs offer a full service for Nature & Interpretation Panels – please follow these links for more information about our in-house design, submitting your own artwork, Framing Options, materials and general guidance about Nature & Interpretation Signs Guidance on maps and popular styles can be found at the Maps link.
Also known as signs by nature, interpretative, sign, panel, board,
Overview of Product
Nature sign or signs by nature are interpretation boards, panels and displays used to educate and inform the public about natural history and wildlife in the area. These interpretation boards or interpretative panels are also used to interpret urban areas, historical features, archaeology, tourism and Better Welcome but when called Nature Sign really refers to natural history interpretation.
Technical Spec
Signs by nature and nature signs are judged by both attracting and then informing visitors. Often nature signs will also try to influence the behaviour of visitors in a positive manner, the message ‘Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but photographs’ being a classic example of this approach.
Writing good quality copy is important to the success of a nature sign or sign by nature. Too often authors are tempted to provide highly detailed information – this is often better left to leaflets, brochures or websites. The approach to text on an interpretive sign or nature sign is best described as ‘I’m sorry I wrote you a long letter, I didn’t have time to write a short one’
Material and framing options are critical to the success of an interpretive project or interpretation panel. The most commonly used materials include Glass Reinforced Plastic, GRP, G.R.P. as well as Polycarbonate, Acrylic or High Impact Acrylic. All of these materials offer good solutions but experience suggests that the Glass Reinforced Plastic, GRP option is the most robust option for interpretive panels and provides the highest level of protection against vandalism.
Framing solutions for nature signs are as important as the sign material itself. Usually, signs by nature are mounted into lectern frames produced in a choice of oak, steel or softwood. Vertical fixings for nature signs and interpretive panels are also a popular style of fixing structure but we would normally look to recommend lectern frames as being less obtrusive in the environment.
Case Study
Nature signs explain the natural history of an area, a site, a reserve or an SSI As outlined above signs by nature need to be well designed and produced with attractive framing structures and base materials that really stand a chance of lasting the years that an interpretive panel should be on site for.