Crafting Distinctive National Trust Signs

At Shelley Signs, we pride ourselves on creating signage that harmonises with the rich history and natural beauty of National Trust sites across the UK. Our projects are not just about signs; they’re about telling stories, guiding visitors, and preserving the essence of each unique location.

Our Approach to Signage: A Blend of Art and Information

Our signage schemes are thoughtfully designed to blend seamlessly with their surroundings, whether it’s the lush gardens of Cornwall or the bustling streets of London. We understand that each sign we create is a piece of a larger narrative, helping to guide, inform, and engage the public.

Project Spotlight: National Trust Signs at Stackpole

At Stackpole, an enchanting coastal area, we embarked on an extensive project in collaboration with Corvidae Ltd. Our task was to translate supplied artwork into a range of interpretive signage, including imposing entrance bollards, helpful finger posts, and educational interpretation panels mounted on elegant oak lectern frames. A unique feature of this project was the incorporation of sandblasted timber components, adding a tactile dimension to the visitor experience.

Project Spotlight: The Gibside Challenge and Our Innovative Solution

Gibside, a majestic Georgian residence, presented a unique challenge. After centuries of decline, the National Trust embarked on a mission to restore this grand estate. Part of this revival included revitalising miles of trails and paths, necessitating new, informative signage for visitors.

Shelley Signs stepped in with a comprehensive design service, encompassing research, scripting, and the creation of captivating illustrations. Each on of our National Trust signs at Gibside tells a story through the eyes of a character from the estate’s heyday, bringing history to life for visitors. Our work culminated in a series of heritage interpretation panels for the Orangery, featuring natural history illustrations. These panels were printed and encapsulated in durable glass-reinforced plastic (GRP) and mounted on sandblasted cedar lecterns.

Outcome: A Rejuvenated Heritage Experience

Today, the revitalised Gibside estate offers tranquil walks and picturesque picnic spots, with our signage playing a key role in enhancing the visitor experience. From wayfinding to storytelling, our signs are a testament to our commitment to quality, creativity, and respect for the historical and natural context of each site.

Proudly Serving the UK: From Concept to Creation

At Shelley Signs, we’re not just creating signs; we’re crafting experiences. Each project is a journey, from the initial concept to the final creation. Our team takes great pride in working closely with our clients to produce signage that is not just functional but also a source of enjoyment and learning.

Whether it’s a small wayfinding project or a large-scale interpretive scheme, we approach each task with the same dedication and passion. Our aim is to provide signs that are not only informative but also add value to the beauty and heritage of each National Trust site.

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