Signs for School Grounds
Shelley produce a range of signs suitable for helping to manage behaviour and visitor flow around the school, college and university grounds. The most common materials include Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP), aluminium, 1mm thick PVC and 2mm thick Polycarbonate.

The choicer of material will depend on where they are be fixed, how they are to be fixed, internal or external and whether you have concerns about vandalism.
Where appropriate some of the signs below are also available as retroflective traffic signs
To request a copy of our detailed brochure click here.
To talk through the options call Rob on 01743 460996.
Examples of commonly required signs for school grounds include:
- Gates locked / use main entrance
- Student parking only / permit required
- Parking for bicycles only
- Reserved for school buses
- School bus stop
- No responsibility for vehicles…
- School visitors must signs in at the office
- Student entrance
- Student parking
- School vehicles only
- School staff and delivery vehicles only beyond this point
- Way out
- Entrance
- Reserved
- Visitors only
- Visitors car park
- Cycle lane
- Beware cyclists
- In
- Out
- No parking in front of these gates
- Cyclists dismount
- Traffic calming scheme. Please drive carefully
- School bus sign