School Information Signs
Shelley Signs design and produce a wide range of general information signs suitable for schools, colleges and universities. There is an extensive range within our brochure but specials can be produced to order.
Common materials for information signs include GRP, aluminium, 1mm thick PVC, 2mm thick Polycarbonate and self adhesive vinyl. The material choice will depend upon location, whether external or internal and whether vandalism is a concern.
Signs for primary schools can be produced in a range of bright colours – dark blue, green, light blue and red being the popular choices.
To request a copy of our standard brochure click here.
Popular Information signs include
- Disabled Toilet
- Girls Toilet
- Boys toilet
- Girls changing rooms
- Boys changing rooms
- Staff toilets
- Claokroom
- Staff room
- Lost property
- Classroom
- Direction to Classroom signs
- First Aid
- Canteen
- Premises manager
- Caretaker
- Please return all books when you have finished using them
- Library
- Quiet Exams in progress
- This is a quiet area
- Please keep to the right
- Please keep to the left
- Way out
- Way In
- This is a quiet reading area
- School office
- Reception
- Please ring bell for attention
- Please could all visitors report to reception
- School visitors must sign in at the office
- Student entrance
- Push
- Pull
- School bus stop
- Reserved for school buses
- Help desk
- Please keep off the grass
In addition a range of braille signs are available to meet Disability Discrimination Act requirements. These tactile school signs include
- Quiet please
- Head teacher
- Private
- Please ring for attention
- Library
- Office
A wide range of standard 1st aid and fire safety signs are also available.
To request a copy of our standard brochure click here.